Tee ball

Last week on Friday we finshed our work. Well some people didn’t finish their work. But I did and some other people so we played a game called T-ball. It’s sort of like baseball and cricket together, but we played a different version that was lots of fun, it was Miss McGrath way. This is how to play T-ball. First put two lines of people the people on the left side is the people who have to catch the ball and three people stand on the three bases. And on the right side people are the batters who strike the ball.

The people on the catching team have to catch the ball. So the batter runs around the three bases, if the ball goes one of the people who are on the bases and the people on bases hold the ball. The batter stops on one of the bases when the people catch the ball on a base the batter stop there. If the base people have the ball and the batter is running, or not on the base, they’re out.

I felt great playing a different game because it was a new and fun game.




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